Prices from September 2023
Taster session is £3
½ hour class is £5 per lesson
¾ hour class is £5.50 per lesson
1 hour class is £7.00
Classes are invoiced on a half-termly basis (normally about 5-8 weeks at a time depending on the length of the school term).
Classes are run on a termly basis with holidays coinciding with the children’s schooling. Before the start of each term parents/carers will be sent an invoice for the new half term. Each term’s fees must be paid by or during the first week of the new term and are not refundable. Payment should be made in cash or by online transfer.
As demand for places is high a fortnight’s notice must be given if your child intends to leave the school.
To register your child for a taster session please contact Holly Kent on 07791 544013 or [email protected]
Students should wear ballet shoes with elastic for all grades.
For 3-4 Ballet and Pre primary girls should wear pink leotards and wrap skirts while the boys can wear a t-shirt and shorts.
When students reach Primary- Grade 8 there is set uniform. Please contact Holly for more information. The uniform can easily be purchased from any dance shop or online retailers, for example Dancewear Central, (please ask for details).
No jewellery should be worn and hair should be tied neatly back away from the child’s face.
Do not hesitate to ask if you would like more information concerning uniform.
If a child is taking a ballet exam specific RAD uniform would be required, information concerning this will be given to prospective exam students.
For Jazz classes students should wear their Jazz Squad t-shirt and black leggings/ dance trousers. Again hair should be tied back.
For Contemporary students should wear a Contemporary top and black leggings, bare feet.
For Street students should wear their Street t-shirts, black leggings or joggers and trainers.
For Tap students need appropriate tap shoes, leggings and t-shirt.
Class information
Dancers should arrive promptly for class in the appropriate uniform. If your child is under the age of six parents must must remain on site.
For classes where parents sit in, please can we only have one parent, this is for room capacity (if you need to bring a sibling and the class isn’t full you can sit in, if it is at capacity well discuss options).
If any emergency contact numbers or medical information have changed since your child’s enrolment forms were completed, for your child’s safety, it is important that you inform your child’s teachers of those changes as soon as possible..
If your child has asthma please ensure their inhaler is with your child.
Leisure Centre
For studio collection points and further detail, please refer to your start of year email or check with your child’s teacher.
Parents must collect their child from the side exit at the Village Hall. It is particularly important during the Winter months that dancers do not wander across the dark car park when cars are in motion.
Safeguarding and Data Protection
Please note: All teachers and Chaperones are DBS checked, All teachers are first aid trained. Our safeguarding, data protection and health and safety policies are available to read upon request.
Our Data Protection Privacy form will be handed out and must be signed for all new students.